Πολιτική cookies

Many essential website functions rely on cookies. The cookies we use at andreou.com don’t collect any personal information about you and they can’t harm your computer, tablet or mobile phone. They are there to allow our websites to work, and to help us understand what information and advertising is most useful to visitors.

By using this website you are accepting that andreou.com may set cookies on your computer or mobile device.

How we use cookies

Many cookies on andreou.com websites perform essential functions.

Other cookies help us understand how our websites are used by visitors, so that we can improve what we do online. We use Web Analytics tools for this. No personal information about you is collected. We look at things like how long web pages take to load, and what information visitors look at most. They also help identify any parts of our websites that aren’t working as well as they should.

A third type of cookie lets us know how well our online advertising works, and where we should place our online advertisements. Again, these cookies don’t collect any personal information about you. They let us know if one of our advertisements on another website like Google or Yahoo has sent a visitor to a Andreou Brothers Group website.

We may also use cookies to help us reach people who are more interested in Andreou Brothers Group Products and Services. So if you visit an Andreou Brothers Group website you may see our advertisements on other sites (but we still won’t know who you are). This is known as remarketing or behavioural advertising.

Types of cookies used by andreou.com

Cookies fall into two general categories: first party cookies (which we set) and third-party cookies (which are set by partners).

First-party cookies
These cookies are set by andreou.com. For the most part, they enable essential functionality on our website. They also include Web Analytics cookies, which we use to understand how our websites are used by visitors so that we can improve them.

Third-party cookies
Third-party cookies are not set by andreou.com, but by selected partners with whom we work. They don’t collect or send any personal information about you. Some of them enable useful services, for example online questionnaires or Live Chat. Others may be set by advertising networks we work with, so that they can place our online advertisements in the most appropriate places.

Managing cookies

The most popular web browsers all allow you to manage cookies. You can choose to accept or reject all cookies, or just specific types of cookie.

What happens if you reject all cookies

You’ll still be able to use some parts of our websites, including many of the pages with information about the group. But some useful sections won’t work if you disable cookies.

Links to external websites

Please note that andreou.com is not responsible for the content of external websites. We regularly update links on our websites, but sometimes content on external sites may be out of date or inaccurate.

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